
Crisis: What Kind of Crisis?

"Media and the Global Financial Crisis: Cross-National Perspectives" was the first  session of the day on the Political Economy section.

Wayne Hope talked about challenges on global communication. Hope focused his speech on the global crisis and in the political and economical context. He closed his presentation with an explanation about the real meaning of Crisis’ concept and its characteristics.

Martín Becerra analyzed the development of telecommunications in Latin America, since 2000. The recent trends in these countries are mostly privatization and liberalization of the communication market. There is also a rising on convergence regulation, although the fact that each country has his own legislation.

Paschal Preston warned for the fact that the crisis is mainly about structural changes and specially in the case of journalism, in the last two or three years, have been increasing. For conclude, he said that the journalism crisis began before the financial crisis.

From Massachusetts, Paula Chakravartty studied the relationship between journalism and the kind of news. For the investigator, there was an exponential increase of economical news in the Asian countries.

Finally, Laura Bergés, from Barcelona, questioned what kind of crisis affect journalism. Her investigation is mainly about the evolution of spanish media business (television, radio, daily press and internet). More and more, the last one factor, depends on political and media system.

Luciana Silva, Patrícia Silveira and Sofia Gomes

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