At the end of the opening ceremony everyone stood silent to hear Maria João and Mario Laginha. The musical duet took the stage and amazed the audience.
For about an hour, the room was filled with the versatile voice of Maria João and the melodious piano of Mário Laginha. Almost everyone in the audience enjoyed the show. “The concert was fantastic” declared Gordon Adam from the UK. “The singer is very unusual, I’ve never heard anything like that before, she has a fantastic voice. It’s something new, like contemporary portuguese jazz”.
Outside the theatre, the appretiation of the duet was unanimous and very positive. “I thought they were both fantastic. The music is very inovative, she has a wonderfull voice and the pianist is outrageously good”, asserted James Kelly, from the USA. Dennis McQuail, a famous academic investigator within the area of communication theories, also enjoyed the performance: “I loved the concert, every song was better than the last”.
The duet is formed by the singer Maria João and the pianist Mário Laginha and they’ve been working together for 25 years. Their music has many influences, from traditional portuguese, african and brazilian music to contemporary jazz. It’s due to this diversity of sounds that Augusto Soares da Silva, from Portugal, believes that it was a good choice to inaugurate an international communication conference: “The concert was excellent, it’s interesting that in a communication congress we can communicate in several ways and sounds, linguistic and non linguistic ways”.
This concert closed the first day of the IAMCR in Braga, that will last until the 22th of July, next thursday.
Mafalda Trindade
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