
Picking up and use of the conference badge

The conference badge looks like a credit card
- please keep it with you at all times.

It can be picked up:

  • from 15:00 at Theatro Circo (city centre) where the Opening Ceremony will take place at 18:00
  • from 8:00 on the 19 July until the end of the conference in CP 2, Campus de Gualtar, University of Minho

The conference badge is necessary:
  • To have access to Theatro Circo's main room where the Official Opening Ceremony will take place;
  • To freely circulate in all areas of the Gualtar Campus (CP 2, CP 1, canteens, etc.);
  • To have access to monday's Reception at Casa dos Coimbras and to the Conference Dinner in Bom Jesus;
  •  To access free transportation (except at the airport where you do not need the badge);
  • To circulate for free in any bus of the Braga transport network (TUB – Transportes Urbanos de Braga) by showing the badge to the bus driver.
Registered accompanying people will have a special badge to access all post-18:00 social activities and to circulate for free in any bus of the Braga transport network (TUB – Transportes Urbanos de Braga).

1 comment:

  1. Large companies are now employing so many staff in a multitude of buildings on many campuses that the staff cannot know each other. At such times name badges works perfectly where the general purpose of wearing a name badge is to give you the security of knowing that the person you are talking is belonging to the company.
    Custom Name Badges
